I've gained about 8 lbs since June, and it's incredibly frustrating. Initially, I thought it was all the fault of our long stint staying in a hotel for a month in Jordan, but the weight hasn't come off despite getting back to the grind for more than two months now.
So, I'm doing an experiment. I'll be remaking all of the meals I originally made in January 2018 when I lost 10 lbs, probably a little too quickly, but I want to see if my diet just isn't enough anymore. If it isn't I'll be calling a doctor to see what the heck I can do.
Things that won't be the same:
I have quite a bit of fun weekends planned where I'll be eating out: 3 nights in Montreal, 3 nights in Nashville, and 1 night in NYC
I won't be eating the meals in exactly in order
I'll be "remixing" some of the recipes to incorporate what I think are healthier ingredients or just to change the flavor profile using different spices
I'll be posting a few absolutely new recipes for lunch & breakfast options
What's in store through October:
Quinoa & Vegetable Teriyaki Bowls REMIX: Add Chinese 5 Spice to the Quinoa
Creole Cauliflower Rice Jambalaya REMIX: Add Black Beans
Week 1: September 29 - October 2
September 29
Food & Drink
5 glasses of water
2 cups of coffee
2 cups of decaf
Bloody Marys
Quinoa & Vegetable Teriyaki Bowls REMIX: Add Chinese 5 Spice to the Quinoa
~4.5 miles of walking
September 30
Food & Drink
6 glasses of water
Remainder of chickpea apple salad
1 vanilla oat yogurt
Thai Peanut Bowls (actually put it in a wrap this time)
2 diet cokes
12 minutes of strength training ~ 6.5 miles of walking
October 1
Food & Drink
5 glasses of water
2 cups of coffee
1 cup of decaf
Leftover Thai wrap filling
Handful of wheat cereal
And here's where it goes wrong, at the game: cheese pizza, veggie nachos, a few beers
~15 minutes of strength training (arms)
~5 minutes of stretching
~7 miles of walking
October 2
Food & Drink
6 glasses of water
Egg wrap
Bowl of wheat cereal with cashew milk
Cheese and mustard sandwich
Handful of crunchy Chinese noodles
Whiskey & diet
~2 miles of walking
October 3-6
No tracking
Notes for the week
Looking at the grocery list for the recipes, it was very heavy on peppers: bell pepper, poblano, and jalapeno. My thumb is finally feeling better post my mandolin accident, so I'm back to lifting. My big blunder was having too much fun watching the Nats-Brewers game. Totally worth it on a social level though. My body does not thank me.