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Pumpkin Shakshuka

I'm dubbing this, the year of short cuts. Living in quarantine, you'd think I'd have been eager to do more time intensive things, but when you're stuck in your 2 bedroom condo staring at your kitchen all day from just over your laptop, you fall out of love with the more complicated recipes.

So far I've tried frozen cauliflower gnocchi and frozen broccoli gnocchi for lunches. Last night, I used frozen cauliflower rice. This morning, I didn't wake up at dawn, have blue birds put on my apron, and get to cooking a pumpkin. I used canned puree. I have zero regrets.

The hubby and I are at odds on the pepitas. I dug him. He didn't. You decide.

Pumpkin Shakshuka

Source: Naturally Ella | Serves: 2-4 | Time: 15-20 min

Changes: used almond milk; used pumpkin puree; used 2 shallots instead of 3; used almond feta.


Pumpkin sauce

1 can #pumpkin puree

2 medium shallots

2 tbsp EVO

1/4 tsp salt, plus more to taste

1 to 2 cups coconut milk

For the skillet

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp ground cumin

1 15oz can #chickpeas, drained and rinsed

4 large eggs

For serving



Chili flakes


Blend the pumpkin sauce together.

Heat a large skillet over medium-low heat. Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil followed by the cumin, let toast for a minute, then add the pumpkin sauce and chickpeas. Stir and cook to warm the sauce.

Create 4 wells to the best of your ability and add in the cracked eggs. Cook until the egg whites are set; around 10 minutes.

Remove from heat and garnish with cilantro, toasted pepitas, chili flakes, and almond feta.

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