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Leftovers Idea: Cheesy Mashed Potato Pancakes with Tahini Sauce

I still have way too many leftover mashed potatoes, so why not try mashed potato pancakes for the first time with some tahini sauce, since I don't have cashews or avocados on hand to make my usually dairy free alternative to sour cream.

Pancakes: Just a Taste | Makes: 10-12 pancakes | Time: 15 min

Changes: used goat cheese instead of cheddar, skipped scallions, served with tahini sauce

Leftovers Idea: Cheesy Mashed Potato Pancakes with Tahini Sauce


3 cups chilled leftover mashed #potatoes

1/3 cup goat cheese (could have used less, these turned out RICH)

1 egg, lightly beaten

3 Tablespoons all-purpose flour

1/2 cup all-purpose flour

Vegetable oil, for pan-frying

Tahini sauce for serving (recipe below)


In a large bowl, stir together the mashed potatoes, cheese, egg and 3 tablespoons flour until combined. Using your hands, divide the mixture into 12 portions. Roll each portion into a compact ball then flatten it into a pancake about a 1/2-inch-thick.

Place the remaining 1/2 cup of flour in a shallow dish and carefully dredge each pancake in the flour.

Heat 3 to 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a large sauté pan over medium heat. (Add enough oil to thoroughly coat the bottom of the pan.)

Fry the pancakes, in batches, until they're golden brown and crispy on both sides, 3 to 4 minutes. Add more oil to the pan as needed between batches. Transfer the pancakes to a paper towel-lined plate and immediately sprinkle them with salt.

Serve the potato pancakes topped with tahini sauce (below)

Tahini Sauce: Natural Comfort Kitchen | Makes: ~ 1 cup | Time: 5 min

Changes: added garlic and cilantro


½ cup tahini

½ cup water

¼ cup lime juice

¾ tsp salt

2 tbsp olive oil

2 cloves of garlic

1/4 cup fresh cilantro


Put all the ingredients in a small blender. Blend until smooth. You're good to go.

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