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Leftovers Idea: Baked Mulligatawny Avocados

I have a TON of leftover Mulligatawny soup, and the doctor has recommended I add 1-2 avocados to my diet (sorry Boomers). I've barely slept the last few days, so this seemed like a good idea when I threw the avocado halves in the oven. The result? It tastes like mulligatawny on top of avocados, but if you were dipping bread in soup, it just tastes like bread with soup on it. Give it a try.

Leftovers Idea: Baked Mulligatawny Avocados

Source: Me | Makes: Two avocado halves | Time: 20 min


Leftover Mulligatawny soup (refrigerated at least overnight so it congeals and becomes more topping than soup)

1 #avocado, sliced in halves and pitted

S&P, to taste

Splash of lemon


Preheat your oven to 400F. If the avocado halves don't have a big enough divot left from the pit, spoon out a little to make them deeper. Pile the topping on. Bake 15 min. Remove from oven. Sprinkle S&P on top and splash with a bit of lemon juice.

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