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Celery, Hazelnut & Broccoli Soup

Celery, Hazelnut & Broccoli Soup

Modified a Green Rabbit Kitchen Recipe | Serves: 4-5 as a main | Time: ~1.5 hours, plus 3 hours of soaking time


2 tbsp coconut oil

4 large cloves garlic, minced

1 shallot, chopped

2 oz #hazelnuts, soaked 3 hours

1 #sweetpotato, peeled and diced

1/2 lb #celery, chopped

1 1/2 tbsp smoked paprika powder

1 tsp fresh thyme

1 tbsp of celery seeds

2 tsp turmeric

1 dash cayenne

2.5 lb #broccoli

8 cups veggie stock

2/3 cup white wine

Healthy pinches of S&P

Celery, Hazelnut & Broccoli Soup
According to Fastachi, hazelnuts are "rich in unsaturated fats (mostly oleic acid), high in magnesium, calcium and vitamins B and E. Hazelnuts are good for your heart, help reduce the risk of cancer, and aid in muscle, skin, bone, joint and digestive health."


In a large pot, heat coconut oil over medium. Add shallots, garlic and the hazelnuts and cook for 2 min. Then add celery and sweet potato, and braise for 6 min. Add smoked paprika, celery seeds, thyme, turmeric, and cayenne, and braise and mix it all for another 3 min. Add the broccoli, wine and the veggie stock. Bring pot to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Cook uncovered till soft for around 50 min, then blend it together and add salt and pepper to taste.

What I ate and drank today

64 oz of water

2 glasses of diet soda

Egg white and kale pesto breakfast sandwich

1/2 cup of Greek yoghurt

The soup

White wine, had to cook with it, why not drink it?

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