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Acorn Squash Soup with Minty Pesto

So, I never had acorn squash until my mother-in-law made a delish sidedish some years ago. Any time I've seen it in the store, I've been intimidated by it. I've had this blog for four years now, and it's time to be daring! Outcome: this recipe was a little too sweet for my taste, so I added a good bit of sriracha on top. I really do like the texture of the acorn squash though, and I'm excited to try more recipes.

Source: The Toasted Pine Nut | Serves :| Time: 1 hr

Changes: replaced ghee with EVO and replaced sea salt with iodized salt. Newsflash: iodine is important for people with Hashimoto's disease, which I have. I've pretty much eliminated sea salt in my home cooking because of this. I also replaced cinnamon with Chinese five spice. I could not for find any cinammon in the house, which is crazy. I also added sriracha because I love it.



1 acorn #squash, cut in half

2 tbsp EVO

1 tbsp coconut sugar

1/2 tsp Chinese five spice

1 can coconut milk

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1/4 tsp chili powder

Minty Pesto

3/4 cup unsalted cashews

1 tbsp EVO

2 tsp agave nectar

Handful fresh cilantro, chopped

Handful fresh mint, chopped

1/4 tsp salt


Sriracha, why not?


Preheat oven to 400F.

Cut the squash in half, and cut the point off the bottom of the squash so it can sit on your baking pan flat. Scoop the seeds out of the inside of the squash. Place the squash on a lined baking sheet. In each squash half, divide the EVO, coconut sugar, and cinnamon. Bake it in the oven for 20 minutes.

Pull the acorn squash out and use a brush to brush the center juices onto the fleshy part of the squash. Bake it for another 20 minutes.

While the squash is baking, make the pesto. In a food processor, add the cashews, EVO, agave nectar, cilantro, mint, and salt. Process for about 10 seconds, until combined and chunky.

Remove the squash from oven and let it cool until cool enough to handle. Use a spoon to scoop the flesh of the acorn squash from the skin and place it in a food processor or blender. Add the coconut milk, sea salt, and garlic powder. Process the mixture until completely combined and puréed.

Transfer the soup to bowls. Top with the pesto, additional chopped cashews, and mint for garnish. And why not a dash of sriracha?


Food & Drink

2 iced coffees

4 glasses of water

Biscuit with avocado, veggie pattie and lemon aoili

1 Banana

2 spoonfuls of peanut butter

1 can tuna fish

Tonight's recipe

1 diet ginger ale


11,428 steps

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