a plant-based food journal
healthy foods
So the more restrictions I'm given, the more I have to pay close attention to labels on packaged foods and
the more I have to research the good and bad about fresh produce.
Here's what I've found so far:
According to One Green Planet, apples are a lower potassium fruit that also aid as a natural cleanser for the body. They’ll still keep your kidneys cleansed without causing too frequent urination. Apples are another source of protective Vitamin C, as well as the antioxidant quercetin, tied to heart health and cancer prevention. They’re also a great source of pectin, a type of soluble fiber that’s wonderful for diabetics since it slows down the blood sugar and removes excess cholesterol. Cholesterol plaque can clog the renal arteries and cut off blood flow to the kidneys, resulting in loss of kidney function.
Fitness Magazine reports that artichokes have one of the highest levels of soluble fiber among all veggie varieties. This type of fiber not only lowers your LDL levels, but it helps keep your GI tract healthy, leaves you feeling full for longer, and keeps your blood sugar levels balanced, says Eugenia Gianos, MD, assistant professor of cardiology at NYU Langone Medical Center. Add one medium artichoke to your diet and you'll get almost 5 grams of soluble fiber and 10 grams of total fiber.
According to Kidney-Treatment .org, avocado is rich in monounsaturated fat which can help to protect high density lipoprotein cholesterol and remove low density lipoprotein cholesterin. Besides, avocado also contains fiber and β-sitosterol which also can help to reduce cholesterol in the body. The kidney medications I am on can increase cholesterol in my system, so anything I can do to reduce cholesterol is a positive, but couldn't most of us do with less cholesterol.
Harvard Medical School lists beans as one of their 11 foods that lower cholesterol because they are especially rich in soluble fiber. They also take awhile for the body to digest, meaning you feel full for longer after a meal. That's one reason beans are a useful food for folks trying to lose weight. This blog features a lot of chickpea (garbanzo bean) and black eye pea recipes, but also some kidney bean recipes here and there.
According to DaVita Kidney Health, Blueberries are high in antioxidant phytonutrients called anthocyanidins, which give them their blue color, and they are bursting with natural compounds that reduce inflammation. Blueberries are a good source of vitamin C; manganese, a compound that keeps your bones healthy; and fiber.
Try Blueberry Stuffed French Toast!
According to Revere Health, on the alkaline side, making your diet less acidic and providing less pressure on your kidneys. Plus, they are loaded with vitamins A and C, as well as calcium and other important minerals.
brussel sprouts
Brussel Sprouts are high in fiber so are generally great for digestion. There is also evidence that they can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels preventing damage to the kidneys.
Try Bang Bang Brussel Sprouts!
Health Line's 7th best food for people with kidney disease is buckwheat. Many whole grains tend to be high in phosphorus, but buckwheat is a healthy exception. It is highly nutritious, providing a good amount of B vitamins, magnesium, iron and fiber.It is also a gluten-free grain, making buckwheat a good choice for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.
Sara Colman of DaVita Kidney Health writes, "A cruciferous vegetable, cabbage is packed full of phytochemicals, chemical compounds in fruit or vegetables that break up free radicals before they can do damage. Many phytochemicals are also known to protect against and fight cancer, as well as foster cardiovascular health. High in vitamin K, vitamin C and fiber, cabbage is also a good source of vitamin B6 and folic acid. Low in potassium and low in cost, it’s an affordable addition to the kidney diet."
According to the The Health Site, carrots can help control high blood pressure and ward of diabetes -- both of which can wreak havoc on your kidneys. Additionally, carrots are rich in fiber, beta-carotenes, vitamin A, C, K, and B8, as well as pantothenic acid, folate, potassium, iron, copper, and manganese. If you're on a low potassium diet, cooking carrots will reduce the amount of potassium so you get all the other fabulous benefits of carrots.
According to DaVita Kidney Health cauliflower is high in vitamin C and a good source of folate and fiber. It’s also packed full of indoles, glucosinolates and thiocyanates—compounds that help the liver neutralize toxic substances that could damage cell membranes and DNA.
Try Sticky Sesame Cauliflower!
coconut milk
Dr. Axe believes coconut milk (though high in fat) can actually help lower cholesterol and manage your blood pressure.
Try Coconut Curry Noodle Soup!
Corn is a high fiber food and it keeps GI functions healthy, according to Davita Kidney Health.
Try Corn "Cheese" Quesadillas!
Eggplants are very low in cholesterol and great for heart health. They are also full of fiber and therefore very filling. For anyone trying to fight obesity and lose weight, eggplants can be a secret weapon in curbing hunger.
Folks with chronic kidney disorders usually have to keep an eye to sugar. In a country plagued by Type II diabetes, none of us are immune. According to Health Line, some of the fiber in jackfruit slows digestion and helps prevent blood sugar spikes, provides some protein, which may help prevent blood sugar levels from rising too quickly after a meal
According to One Green Planet, Kale is a fantastic source of Vitamins A and C to prevent inflammation and protect the immune system. It’s also lower in potassium than some other vegetables and greens and contains a large amount of iron. Iron is important for healthy kidney function since many people with kidney disease have an iron deficiency.
Kiwis have a variety of healthy benefits, according to Health Line. They can aid in digestion, boost your immune system, and help manage your blood pressure.
Eating mangoes can do wonders for your health according to Organic Facts. It can help prevent cancer, aid in digestion, cure anemia, promote health, and delay aging. Emerging research also suggests that mangoes could help manage diabetes.
According to One Green Planet, Vitamin D is an important mineral for good kidney health and mushrooms are the best whole food, plant-based source. Vitamin D has been found to regulate kidney function and may help prevent kidney disease.
Eating almonds, walnuts, peanuts, and other nuts is good for the heart. According to Harvard Medical School, eating 2 ounces of nuts a day can slightly lower LDL, on the order of 5%. Nuts have additional nutrients that protect the heart in other ways.
Current nutrition guidelines recommend getting 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day, with at least 5 to 10 grams coming from soluble fiber. According to Harvard Medical School, a serving of oats gives you 1 to 2 grams of soluble fiber. Increasing soluble fibers in your diet can decrease your cholesterol.
According to Medical News Today, "new research from Canada found that proteins in the common garden pea may provide a natural remedy against high blood pressure and chronic kidney disease."
Dr. Axe says one cup of plantains provides almost a fifth of the fiber recommended daily, which is roughly 25–30 grams. As a high-fiber food, plantains add bulk to food intake, which aids digestion. Soluble fiber is also known to help lower cholesterol and blood pressure and stabilize blood sugar -- all great things for taking pressure off your kidneys.
Try Black Bean & Plantain Chili!
According to the National Kidney Foundation, whole grains like quinoa are a means to fill out your diet with many healthy nutrients and fiber. Even though many whole grains are slightly higher in phosphorous than white breads and grains, the phosphorus in whole grains is absorbed less efficiently. This is because of a substance called "phytate" in whole grains that keep the phosphorus from being absorbed.
Try Broccoli Quinoa Casserole!
red bell peppers
According to One Green Planet, potassium can make thirst and frequent urination worse because the bladder empties too often. Red bell peppers are one of the best lower potassium fruits to choose and are a good source of protective Vitamin C. They also contain a good amount of lycopene, an antioxidant that helps ward off certain types of cancers in individuals with a healthy diet.
Additionally, according to DaVita Kidney Health, red peppers are an excellent source of vitamin A, as well as vitamin B6, folic acid, and fiber.
According to the National Kidney Foundation, spinach is high in vitamins A, C, K and folate. The beta-carotene found in spinach is important for boosting your immune system health and protecting your vision. It is also a good source of magnesium.
Sara Colman, DaVita Kidney Health, writes, "Strawberries are rich in two types of phenols: anthocyanins and ellagitannins. Anthocyananins are what give strawberries their red color and are powerful antioxidants that help protect body cell structures and prevent oxidative damage. Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese and a very good source of fiber. They are known to provide heart protection, as well as anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory components."
Try a Strawberry Pistachio Quinoa Bowl!
sweet potatoes
The National Kidney Foundation chose sweet potatoes as one of their seven kidney-friendly super foods. These super spuds are packed with beta-carotene and are an excellent source of vitamins A and C. Sweet potatoes are also a good source of vitamin B-6 and potassium. One medium (5-inch long) sweet potato contains 112 calories and nearly 4 grams of fiber, according to the USDA National Nutrient Database.
According to organic facts .net, zucchini is extremely low in calories, but it gives you the feeling of being full. Therefore, it is a great way to satisfy your appetite without grabbing calories or starting a crash diet plan. Apart from the low-calorie count, it has high water content and is rich in fiber. Hence, when you eat it, your stomach is not empty, thereby making zucchini recipes perfect if you are on a diet.